Dr. Nicholas Entrikin, Vice President, University of Notre Dame attended Tsinghua University Centenary Celebration
On April 23 and 24, 2011, Tsinghua University hosted the Global Summit of University Presidents (GSUP) 2011 and the university’s Centenary Celebration. About 300 presidents and representatives from over 130 universities all over the globe attended the events. Dr. Nicholas Entrikin, Vice President and Associate Provost for Internationalization, and Dr. Jonathan Noble, Director of the Asia Office, attended the Centenary Celebration and the Global Summit.

VP Entrikin (right) shakes hands with Dr. Gu Binglin, President of Tsinghua University
At the opening of GSUP, welcomes were made by Professor Guiren Yuan, Minister of Education, Professor Binglin Gu, President of Tsinghua University, and Professor Henry T. Yang, Chairman of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and Chancellor, University of California, Santa Barbara. Madame Yandong Liu, State Councilor at the State Council, gave the keynote address. Breakout discussions were held under the topics of University Governance, Interdisciplinary Research Development, Social Responsibilities of Leading Universities, Trends in International Collaboration, and Strategic Planning for Universities.
The Centenary Ceremony of Tsinghua University took place at Great Hall of the People on the morning of April 24. Chinese President HU Jintao addressed the convention. In honor of the anniversary, Dr. Entrikin planted a tree in the name of Notre Dame in the Centennial Garden of Tsinghua University, commemorating the friendship and collaboration between the two universities.
Professor Binglin Gu, President of Tsinghua University, had been a visiting scholar at the University of Notre Dame in the 1980s. Dr. Entrikin and Dr. Noble were delighted to have the opportunity to congratulate President Gu in person on the achievements of Tsinghua University on this important occasion. The University of Notre Dame is partnering with Tsinghua University on a number of new programs, including the inaugural iSURE program (international summer undergraduate research experience), and the two universities are discussing opportunities to expand the relationship.