大中华奖学金计划/Greater China Scholarship Program
For the sixth year, the Li Ka Shing Foundation is supporting one full, merit-based scholarship for applicants to the University of Notre Dame from greater China entering the University of Notre Dame’s undergraduate class in 2016. As part of the Greater China Scholars Program, additional merit-based partial scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants. Students interested in any major or majors are eligible to apply.
To be eligible, applicants must apply to the University of Notre Dame by January 1, 2016, and currently be citizens of or residents in China, Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan. No further application to the scholarship program is needed.
The full scholarship covers the total cost of attendance at the University of Notre Dame, including tuition and fees, room & board, books and supplies, transportation, and living expenses for all four years of attendance. The total value of the scholarship is in excess of US$250,000. Additional partial scholarship will have different values.
The successful scholarship applicants will demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, a strong commitment to the betterment of society, and a promising capacity for global leadership.

1842 | year Notre Dame founded 圣母大学建于 |
18 | National University Ranking (U.S. News & World Report 2015) 全国性大学排名(《美国新闻和世界报道》2015) |
4 | Parents' Dream School (Princeton Review 2013.) 父母眼中的理想大学 (《普林斯顿评论》2013年) |
13 | America's Top Colleges Ranking (Forbes Magazine 2015) 全美最佳大学本科排名 (《福布斯》2015) |
1 | Undergraduate Business Ranking (Bloomberg/Business Week 2010-2014) 全美本科商学院排名 (《彭博通讯/商业周刊》2010-2014) |
3 | 90% of students graduate in four years 本科生毕业率高达90% |
98% | Percentage of graduates placed in careers, graduate schools, or service opportunities within six months of graduation 本科毕业后六个月内98%的学生已找到工作、进入研究所或做社会服务 |
20% | 2015 acceptance rate 2015年本科申请录取率 |
7% | International Students 国际学生比例 |
10:1 | Student-to-faculty ratio 学生老师比例 |
5 | Percentage of undergraduates who study abroad (65.9%) in top 20 (U.S. News and World Report 2013) 前20名大学出国留学百分比(65.9%)(《美国新闻与世界报道》2013) |
1 | Undergraduate college for producing CEOs of the 100 largest U.S. financial firms (Bloomberg News) 全美百强金融企业首席执行官中,本科毕业于圣母大学的人数最多 (《彭博通讯》) |
8 | Mid-career median salary nationally (Payscale.com 2013) 毕业生职业中期年薪中位数全美排名 |
6 | Alumni’s wellbeing, measured by income, net worth, job opportunities, intellectual development and overall happiness (alumnifactor.com 2012) 校友幸福度排名,考量因素包括收入、净资产、工作机会、心智发展和整体幸福感 (alumnifactor.com 2012) |
270 | Alumni clubs – including 64 international clubs-most extensive in higher education 高等教育界最广泛的校友网络 – 全球270家校友会,64所分布在美国以外 |
“Notre Dame represents much that is best and most generous in the American tradition.”
联合国前秘书长 科菲.安南
Kofi Annan, Former UN General-Secretary
“The University of Notre Dame provided me with an exceptional education for my entire life. I was not only trained academically, but I was also taught how to be a person with strong integrity. In addition, Notre Dame's family atmosphere is something I have never forgotten and never will forget.”
中国科学院原秘书长, 圣母大学1950届毕业生 顾以健
Dr. Yijian Gu, Former Secretary-General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 1950 graduate of the University of Notre Dame
“Chinese students will love the family atmosphereNotre Dame offers, and it's a great investment in developing personal character and values. As the top-ranked undergraduate business school, Notre Dame is an excellent value, preparing you for the future modern world, with all its challenges and adventures.”
圣母大学毕业生 Jim Gradoville
Jim Gradoville, Notre Dame Graduate and China Country Representative, World Wildlife Fund