We are pleased to congratulate all the Greater China Scholarship Recipients who continue their life success at Notre Dame today.
Year of 2014
Li Ka Shing Foundation Full Scholarship Winner

Yuchen Zou North east Yucai School
My name is Yuchen Zou from Northeast Yucai School in Shenyang, China. I am now a freshman at University of Notre Dame, and also a member of the Glynn Family Honors Program. I intend to major in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics and Political Science.
In high school, I founded the first mathematical modeling club on campus and led the math team in two consecutive High School Mathematical Contests in Modeling. Also, I organized a lot of French culture events and founded the NEYC French Society, the first French Club on campus, and published and circulated French newspapers in school and beyond. I also volunteered in the Shenyang Children Welfare Center for four years.
At Notre Dame, during fall break, I went to the Appalachia mission trip as a member of the St. Joseph Housing Repair team. I joined the International Development Research Council, and am now one of the seven research members of the Haiti Ekiway Research Committee. As a Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar, I attend weekly forums on social concerns. Also I joined the German Club and hope to study abroad in Germany next summer.
Notre Dame offers its students so many unknowns to explore. I believe that this four-year experience will be one of the most exciting and fulfilling periods in my life.
邹予晨 东北育才学校毕业生
在高中,我成立了学校第一个数学建模小组,连续两次领队参加美国高中生数学建模大赛,取得了优异的成绩。 此外,我组织了很多法国文化活动并且最终成立了NEYC法语协会,创办了在校内外都广泛流通的法语报。另外,我还在沈阳儿童福利院连续做了4年义工。
如今,在圣母大学,我跟随学校社会服务组织去阿帕拉契亚地区做义工,成为St. Joseph房屋修理小组的一员。同时作为一名Hesburgh-Yusko学者,我每周都参与社会服务论坛。我加入国际发展研究理事会,成为海地Ekiway委员会七名成员之一。我还参加了德语社,希望明年夏天能去德国交流学习。
2014 Partial Scholarship Winners , supported by alumni, parents and friends

YI LOK TSANG Shanghai High School International Division
My name is Yi Lok Tsang, and I am from Hong Kong. I was an IB Diploma student at Shanghai High School International Division. I am currently a freshman in the College of Arts and Letters, and my intended major is Music (Piano Performance) and Political Science/Philosophy, with a minor in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.
In my freshman year of high school, I founded the DIY Science Club in hopes of becoming an engineer/physicist. In my junior and senior year, I was Photography Director of the Highlight Magazine, a student magazine distributed to 14 different international schools in Shanghai. In my senior year, I was elected as the Head of Media Department of the Associated Student Body. Throughout high school, I was also the lead singer of my rock band, performing in different venues in Shanghai such as Rock for Charity.
At Notre Dame, I found my second family in the hiphop group PFresh. I also became a writer for the Observer news, and volunteered as a piano tutor at Robinson Community Learning Center. As a student in the Glynn Family Honors Program, I was able to travel to Stratford to attend the Annual Shakespeare Festival.
Notre Dame is a very loving community. I have enjoyed my time here so far, and I wish to continue making the most out of my Notre Dame experience. Go Irish!
曾怡乐 上海高中国际部毕业生
在高中9年级的时候,希望成为一名工程师/物理学家,我创办了DIY Science Club。进入11、12年级,我开始担任Highlight 杂志社的摄影总编,杂志发放给上海14所国际学校。在12年级,我竞选成为学生会媒体部的主管。在高中里,我一直都是摇滚乐队的主唱,在许多像Rock For Charity 的上海活动中演出。
在圣母大学,hiphop 舞社Pfresh成为了我的第二個家。我还有幸能在Observer News中撰写新闻,在Robinson社区中心教小朋友弹钢琴。作为格林家族荣誉项目的学生,我有幸能到Stratford參加莎士比亚节。
圣母大学是一个充满爱的大家庭,我非常享受在这里的时光,并希望在接下来的四年里能更加丰富自己的大学生活。Go Irish!

Shuyang Wang Changzhou No.1 High School
My name is Shuyang Wang and I am from Changzhou, Jiangsu province. I graduated from Changzhou No.1 High School. In high school, I devoted a lot of time to Model United Nations, where I was president of my school’s club and secretary general of the Interscholastic Model United Nations Conference. I joined Changzhou Little Swan Orchestra at 10 years old, and went abroad for concerts and shows. Before I went to university, I presented as principle player of Zhonghu part. Moreover, I volunteered tutoring mathematics and English in a small village of Anhui province, my father’s hometown.
Now, my major is Applied Computational Mathematics and Statistics. I plan to declare a double major in Finance next year. I am also a member of the Glynn Family Honors Program and Student International Business Council. In SIBC, I did my first finance project related to Initial Public Offering of Credit Suisse.
Notre Dame is the best choice I have ever made. Before I went to college, I was already determined to major in Finance and have a financial career. Notre Dame has a wonderful Mendoza College of Business, where I can take the courses I want and meet excellent professors.
汪舒扬 常州第一中学毕业生

Yilong Yang Experimental School attached to Beijing Normal University
My name is Yilong (Ray) Yang. I graduated from the Experimental School Attached to Beijing Normal University. I am now a Physics major at Notre Dame.
During high school, I started a student organization called the “Class Union,” and an online community, which aimed at creating a platform to support and generate small student-originated activities.
My proudest experience so far at Notre Dame has been my time spent in ND Chorale. I successfully passed the audition at the beginning of the semester. After I became a member, I was amazed by the tight friendships I’ve formed. It’s like a family, and when old Chorale members visit us (some of them middle-aged), there is always an exciting reunion.
For the rest of my time at Notre Dame, I want to build a solid foundation for the future days of my life by exploring further in Physics and getting a deeper perspective of the world from traditional books. Meanwhile, I plan to explore more about the art of music and do my best to become a well-educated and well-balanced person.
杨熠龙 北师大实验中学
到圣母大学以来最使我自豪的是我在圣母大学唱诗班的经历。入学时我通过试镜成为了唱诗班低声部的一员。唱诗班就像是一个小家庭。我们一同排练,集体晚餐,一起在球赛日卖唱片挣圣诞巡演经费。曾经的老成员 (现已中年)每每回来看望,都会与我们热情相拥,互道珍重。

Ce Liang Nanjing Foreign Language School
My name is Ce Liang. I am from Nanjing and graduated from Nanjing Foreign Language School in 2014. Currently, I am a freshman at the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame.
My interests covered a broad range of subjects in high school. In my junior and senior years, my interests and passion toward natural science, biology, and chemistry in particular won me a number of national prizes. I was grateful to also have my first personal drawing album published in my high school senior year. I was also involved in a number of student clubs as well as a long-term volunteer at the city museum.
So far at Notre Dame, I have become a member of the Japan Club and Japanese language program. I am considering a minor in Japanese. I plan to spend the upcoming summer in Japan participating in the HIF Japanese Language and Culture summer program. Moreover, as an Architecture major, I hope to deepen my exploration of this field and get a unique life experience during my junior year in Rome, Italy.
梁册 南京外国语学校毕业生
Year of 2013
Li Ka Shing Foundation Full Scholarship Winner

Zhixing ZHANG Beijing No. 4 High School
My name is Zhixing Zhang and I am a member of the Notre Dame Class of 2017. I come from Beijing No. 4 High School. In high school, I founded a team to open a non-profit bookstore for my school. We did all the designing, marketing and advertising and donated the profits to children in impoverished areas of China. At the same time, as the co-leader of the Drama Club, I was a delegate in the visiting group to Scotland, which brought a drama onto the stage of Edinburgh Festival.
I am currently double majoring in Applied Mathematics and History. I am a member of the Notre Dame ACMS Club and serve as Vice President of the History Club. I joined the interhall basketball and soccer teams to play for my dorm’s glory. I also work for Notre Dame ISSA as an international ambassador. I was able to form a strong bond with my fellow IAs while helping organize multiple international events (including the International Orientation).
The people here at Notre Dame are simple and pious, and I am trying to live the way they do: “Keep an open mind toward faith; keep wanting it, keep asking for it, and leave the rest to God.”
张智行 北京四中毕业生
2013 Partial Scholarship Winners , supported by alumni, parents and friends

Shaoming YANG Taipei First Girls High School
My name is Shao-Ming Yang and I’m currently a sophomore Science-Business major. The past year has been pretty hectic but I’m grateful to say that with the help of friends and faculty, a lot has been accomplished! I’m still a member of the Glynn Honors Program and part of the Merit Scholars Program. This year, I’m looking more into my business interest by joining SIBC, the Student International Business Council. There are so many interesting projects to work on, and promoting peace through commerce is such an amazing idea to promote. Of course, my interest in the natural sciences has not waned, as I will be assisting the Northern Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair as a volunteer judge. Last summer, I interned at a marketing company that works closely with manufacturing companies in China. I had no voice at the end of the day but it was a very rewarding experience. This summer, I hope to learn from another amazing company or organization as well as carry out my duties as a very excited Notre Dame High School Ambassador. I can’t wait to let others know more about the Fighting Irish!
楊紹旻 臺北市立第一女子高級中學毕业生
你好!我是楊紹旻,現讀Science-Business系二年級,這一年多實在過得繁忙,十分感謝教授及同學的支持,我才有機會完成許多個人及團體目標。我依然是Glynn Family Honors Program 以及Merit Scholars Network 的一員,今年,我加入了Student International Business Council, 我們眾多的計劃跟活動希望能透過商業流動帶來全球合作更加和平流通。當然,我仍然對自然科學保持熱誠,將會協助評比 Northern Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair。去年暑假,我在貿易公司實習,協助與大陸廠商的合作,學習許多。今年暑假,我十分期待更豐富的實習經驗,也計劃為 Notre Dame High School Ambassador Program 完成任務,希望有更多學弟妹會愛上 the Fighting Irish!
Xinyi WANG High School Affiliated with Xi’an Jiaotong University
My name is Xinyi Wang and I am currently a sophomore major in Computer Science. Through the professors at Notre Dame, I was able to do engineering research and project during summer 2014, which have greatly aided me to find out what my interest is and what I want to study. During this school year, I not only learned more about Computer Science in classes, but also had opportunities to apply them in projects with my professors. I feel lucky as a Notre Dame student, because there are so many great professors that are willing to help me with my career and life, so many friends that care about me, and so many opportunities that I could explore. Being at Notre Dame not only prepares me for my career, but also shapes me as a well-rounded person.
王欣毅 西安交通大学附中毕业生
我叫王欣毅, 是一名大二的计算机学生。 在2014年暑假的期间, 我通过圣母大学的教授参加了一些工程研究和项目。这段经历对我发现自身的兴趣以及今后适合的发展方向起到了决定性的作用。在这一学年中,我不仅在课堂上学到了更多计算机的专业知识, 更把这些知识应用到了教授的项目中去。作为一名圣母大学的学生,我觉得自己很幸运。这里有那么多教授愿意帮助我学习和生活上的困难,那么多关心帮助我的朋友,还有那么多机会可以让我更好地找到自己地方向。在圣母大学的生活不仅让我对自己未来的工作发展做了很好的准备,更让我成为了一个可以从容面对生活的人。

Tianyue LI Jiangsu Tianyi High School
My name is Tianyue Li, and I'm from Wuxi, China. I spent three years studying at Jiangsu Tianyi High School before attending Notre Dame. I'm now considering majoring in Economics and ACMS at Notre Dame. Back in high school, I participated in Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps people in need build their houses regardless of their races and religion. My friends and I raised 30,000 RMB for the program and spent two weeks at Yunnan Province to help local people rebuild their houses. Also I’ve studied Western chess since age 4 and was an active member in our high school chess club. I volunteered as a chess tutor at a local primary school in Wuxi for three years. At Notre Dame, I'm currently working as a Chinese tutor. I'm also an active member of Asian American Association. I participated in various activities organized by this organization, including the freshman retreat. In the future, I would like to do more research related to my major.
李天悦 江苏省天一中学毕业生

Siyu ZHAO Wuhan Foreign Language School
My name is Siyu Zhao and I am from Wuhan China. I graduated from Wuhan Foreign Language School. I spent my high school years there. My major at Notre Dame is architecture. I am interested in architecture because it is a combination of geometry and art. It can manifest my artistic talents in a practical sense. The school of architecture in Notre Dame focuses on classical architectures and stresses the importance of hand drawing. This suits my own pursuits in this field. Just recently, one of my architecture professors told us about how architectural designs could affect the ways people living in them, creating a type of community. The fact that architects can influence other people’s life styles through their designs fascinates me, and took my interests in architecture in another level. Also, it reminds me of the project I did in my senior year of high school: transforming the building styles and their ways of construction to improve the living qualities of people in a village in China. So the philosophy of the architecture school here at Notre Dame MATCHES with my own and I am looking forward to discover more about how great this major can be through my four years here and one year in Rome.
This is my second year here at Notre Dame, and I have had much more experiences than last year. As an architecture student, my workload is more intense than those of students in other majors. I spent most my nights and days in bond hall. Therefore, I hardly have time to social or to attend parties and events. However, every time I finish a design project that sacrificed my sleeping and fun time with great satisfaction of its quality, I feel like it is all worth it. More importantly, the junior in Rome is like a light at the end of a tunnel. Although design studio takes up a lot of my time and I didn’t have many chances to make new friends, it brought the sophomore arkies closer. We spend a lot of time together and we are like soldiers on the same battlefield. The relationships I have with those arkies are very important to me. We sometimes have arkie parties at times when other majors are very busy because we have very different schedule. This make me feel I belong in a special group.
赵斯羽 武汉外国语学校毕业生
在圣母的第二年, 我有了更多的经历。作为一名建筑生,我的学习生活要比其他专业的学生更加紧张,基本上日日夜夜都在建筑楼呆着。因此也没有太多的时间去社交或者参加活动。但是当自己牺牲休息跟玩乐的时间设计出来的作品让自己满意的时候也是很有成就感的。有的时候熬夜到难受但是想着坚持一下就好了,最后都不会后悔。并且大三那年要去罗马也是黑暗中的曙光。虽然说因为设计课的作业占时间太多而没什么机会交朋友,但是这却让我跟同样是建筑专业的同级生关系变紧密了。因为我们不仅基本每天呆在一起,并且有一种战友的感觉。与这些同学的关系对我来说也非常重要,我们有时间休息的时候也会有建筑生聚会,甚至是在其他学生最忙的时候。因为我们的时间安排跟其他专业的学生都不太一样。这个群体让我非常有归属感并且感到很温馨。

Xinhe WU Nanjing Foreign Language School
My name is Xinhe Wu. I’m from Nanjing, China. I spent six years studying in Nanjing Foreign Language School. I intend to major in philosophy, finance and minor in Latin in Notre Dame. As a fervent animal lover and vegetarian, I have volunteered in a local animal welfare for more than five years and have been the founder and director of an animal rescue club in my high school. During that time, I have organized bazaar and charity performance both in the campus and in community to collect money for stray animals. I also have a passion for Chinese folk music. Eleven years of Guzheng learning enables me to be the leader and Guzheng player in my high school band of Chinese national music. Feeling a sense of responsibility to the society, I also started a reading club called “Mei Xiang Yuan”, involved in collecting books for children of migrant workers. At Notre Dame I continued some of my passions in different ways. I became a volunteer in South Bend Animal Care and Control and helped local stray animals to better survive. I also helped prepared gifts for our dorm’s adopted family with my dorm-mates. Notre Dame also realized my dream as a philosophy lover. The great professors I have met here both inside and outside the classes and the inspirational discussion we have had together have deepened my interest in philosophy and stimulated me to step into a more profound and mighty world of this area. Overall, I hope I can make the most in my college experience, both in academics and in different student activities.
吴欣荷 南京外国语学校毕业生

Jenny Ng George V School
My name is Jenny Ng, and I am from Hong Kong, China. My experience at Notre Dame thus far has been amazing; I have had many opportunities to explore my personal and academic interests, as well as opportunities to develop my leadership skills. I am currently studying Political Science, Business and Portuguese, and I hope to study abroad in Brazil. At Notre Dame, I spent a lot of my time rock climbing, which is my favorite hobby. I am also the Vice President of International Programming at the Student International Business Council, which is the largest student organization on campus with over 500 active members. Through the many resources that Notre Dame provides its students with, I have had the opportunity to conduct research in Istanbul, Turkey over the past winter break, and to do an internship in Ecuador this past summer. This coming summer, I will be interning for Deutsche Bank in New York City. I am truly grateful for the supportive community here at Notre Dame.
伍婧刚 香港英皇佐治五世學校高中毕业生
在圣母大学,我是Student International Business Council的国际项目副总裁。除了这以外,我的爱好是攀岩。去年暑假,通过圣母大学的Student International Business Council,我有机会在一家厄瓜多尔的公司当实习生。刚过的寒假,通过圣母大学的Center for Undergraduate Scholarly Exchange有机会在土耳其的伊斯坦布尔进行调研。这个暑假,我会在纽约的Deutsche Bank当实习生。
Year of 2012
Li Ka Shing Foundation Full Scholarship Winner

Qingling WANG Beijing No. 4 High School
My name is Qingling Wang and I studied at Beijing No. 4 High School before coming to Notre Dame.
While in high school, I launched the school’s first formal English musical, and I also completed a research report on the traffic congestion problem facing many primary and middle schools in Chinese cities, which had gained approval by Mr. Yuqing Wang, Representative of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
In freshman year and the first half of sophomore year, I was a Business student and loved participating in case studies. As a member of the Student International Business Council, I co-led an accounting case study and worked on finance and consulting projects with leading financial services companies. I represented Notre Dame in business case competitions in China and Canada. During sophomore year, I officially became a Political Science major. I was awarded a research grant by The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. My study in Business and Political Science allowed me to secure a full scholarship to participate in Tel Aviv University’s summer program in Business and Politics. Right now, I am a Politics exchange student at Oriel College at the University of Oxford.
Coming to Notre Dame is one of the best decisions that I have made in my life and it has been the most formative and inspiring experience.
王清羚 北京四中毕业生
2012 Partial Scholarship Winners , supported by alumni, parents and friends

Xuanyi LI Northeast Yucai School
My name is Xuanyi Li. I am from Shenyang, Liaoning. My high school is Northeast Yucai School. At Notre Dame, my major is Computer Science at the College of Engineering. In addition, I am taking the pre-med requirements and am planning on applying to medical school.
At my high school, I was primarily focused on environmental protection activism. I was the organizer of the Roots & Shoots branch of our high school. Our goal was to increase students’ awareness of environmental problems. Managing the Roots & Shoots club gave me the opportunity to not only help spread information about environmental protection but also deepen my understanding and interest in an activism I deeply cared about. Also, I established Green Mock Trial, which is a club responsible for organizing mock trials during which students debated court cases related to environmental issues. The Green Mock Trial was successful and my team was invited to the IYSECC (International Youth Summit on Energy and Climate Change) to present our activity in July 2010.
At Notre Dame, I discovered my interests in medicine. I developed an interest in medical research through working with professors from both Department of Computer Science and Engineering and biology. I also spent an increasing amount of time doing service in both medical and non-medical settings. I have been working as a First Aid volunteer during home football games since my freshman year. In my sophomore year, I started volunteering at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center every week. I am also working with Center for Hospice for their life bio program where I help compile life stories for terminally ill patients. I found service working extremely rewarding. And both my academic work and my service works have helped me in my decision to pursue a career in medicine.
李萱伊 东北育才学校毕业生
我叫李萱伊,来自中国沈阳,在圣母大学主修工程学院学习计算机科学和医学预科。我的高中是东北育才学校。在高中的时候,我热衷于环保活动。我是我们高中根与芽协会的组织者。管理根与芽协会的工作给了我机会去帮助传播关于环境保护的信息并且也加深我对我关注的环保事业的理解和兴趣。此外,我建立了绿色模拟法庭。绿色模拟法庭为同学们提供了一个对与环保相关的案件进行辩论的平台。因为绿色模拟法庭的成功, 在2010年7月我的团队被邀请到IYSECC (国际青年能源与气候变化峰会)去介绍我们的活动。
在圣母大学, 我对医学产生了兴趣。在计算机和生物实验室工作的经验加深了我对医学研究的兴趣。与此同时我也开始参加更多的服务活动。从大一开始,我在学校主场的橄榄球,篮球和冰球比赛中担任急救员工作。从大二起 每周我都会去圣约瑟夫地区医疗中心做志愿者服务。我同时也在南本德临终关怀中心工作。我的工作包括为临终患者记录他们的人生故事。我在圣母的经验让我对医学的研究和服务两方面都非常感兴趣,同时我也更加坚定了我从事医疗工作的决心。

Ziyang HE High School Attached to Hunan Normal University
I’ve been at Notre Dame for two and a half year and I’ve always been very thankful for the Notre Dame education. As a finance and history double major student, I would like to talk a little about my history education here, since Mendoza College of Business is already well known and popular among applicants from the Greater China area. I believe that the small class size of my history classes, usually fifteen or fewer students per class, has benefited me a lot. I gained more personal attention from my professors and had more in-class discussions, which were invaluable experiences for an international student from China. During these classes and the interactions with my history professors, I felt that they truly cared about the students — not only our academic progress but also our long-term intellectual development. Just as a famous quote from Laozi says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” My professors guided me to read and write critically and encouraged me to share my opinions in class. The discussions were thought-provoking and students fully respected each other. I would recommend more Chinese students to take history classes or others classes in the College of Arts and Letters.
贺子扬 湖南师范大学附中毕业生
在圣母已经待了两年半,我很高兴自己仍然坚持着金融和历史两个专业的学习。虽然这两个专业的学习很忙累,但我仍认为我坚持双修历史专业是值得的。算然门多萨商学院的课堂相比其它学校的课堂人数已经相对较少(专业课大概四十个人一个教室), 但我认为历史课堂的小班授课(平均一门课15人左右)师生之间的紧密互动才是美国大学传统教育的精髓所在——这也是我最感谢圣母大学的地方。在我向历史系的教授学习和与他们相处的过程中,我接受到的是非常人性化的辅导与教导。我深刻感受到他们是真正在关心我的学业进步,思维塑造与个人成长。
大二结束之后的暑假,我利用三个月的假期继续学习和自我充电。 前一个半月我在加州伯克利参加暑期学校,后一个半月的时间则是待在上海的海通证券投行部实习。在伯克利的日子让我深深体会到了这所西岸名校与圣母的不同。在伯克利,我可以看到来自各个种族的学生坐在同一个教室里上课,加州的白人学生也更愿意与亚洲人交朋友;在圣母大学,学生大多来自白人天主教中产阶级家庭并且体育细胞发达。在伯克利,教授可以染发纹身穿T恤来上课;在圣母大学,男教授大多是穿西装打领带进课堂, 女教授也是衣着正式而传统。我并不是在试图比较这两所学校哪一所更好,我只是惊讶于美国大学与大学之间的差异之大。选择一所大学相当于选择了大学四年的生活方式, 也相当于选择了不同的朋友圈子。不同的大学对学生的价值观,人生观和世界观的影响也是带有学校自身特色的。 所以说高中生在择校之前一定要尽可能全面地了解一所学校。

Nini WU Jinling High School
My name is Nini Wu and I study Accounting and Mathematics. In high school, I founded the first Business club and served as the president for three years. I also led more than 300 people to volunteer in senior homes, tutored children with disabilities and organized tours for tourists at Zhongshan Tomb, a famous cultural site in China. During the summer of my senior year, I interned for an American education company. My main role was tutoring students in English and communicating with parents.
I absolutely love what I'm learning in Notre Dame and deeply appreciate all the amazing professors at Notre Dame who make learning such an enjoyable journey for me. I participated in the Deloitte NextGen National Leadership Conference in the summer of my freshman year, and completed a rotational internship with Deloitte in Tax, Business Valuation and Real Estate Consulting this summer. I am going to join Deloitte Consulting Strategy & Operations group this coming summer, and my career goal is to have a good time! (Laboris gloria Ludi)
In my opinion, students at Notre Dame truly make this place special and unique. I am fortunate enough to have friends with diverse experiences and perspectives that inspire me to keep an open mind and step outside my comfort zone. The friends I made at Notre Dame also helped me in my personal growth and progression in the past two year. My best friend went to West Point before she attended Notre Dame, and she opened my eyes to the lives of those who serve, which helped me reflect on the question of what I can do to serve others and make the world a better place. Two friends of mine spent a month volunteering in Haiti and their experience inspired me to sign up for a volunteer trip in the Middle East. Making friends with people coming from different backgrounds taught me the importance of looking beyond nationality and embracing our similarities as well as differences. Over the breaks and holidays, I go home with friends, and celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, and many other holidays with friends and their family.
吴妮妮 南京金陵中学毕业生
我是吴妮妮,来自南京金陵中学。我是会计和数学双专业。 高中时,我组织了我们学校第一个商业社团并且担任社长三年。高中三年,我组织了超过300人在老人院做义工,辅导过残疾儿童,并在中山陵担任义务讲解员。在高三的暑假,我在一个美国公司实习。我主要的工作是教学生英语以及和家长沟通。

Ke XU Wuhan Foreign Language School
My name is Xu Ke and I’m from Wuhan. For high school, I went to Wuhan Foreign Language School. In high school, I tutored an orphan from Tibet and initiated research about the psychological status of adopted Tibetan orphans in Wuhan. I focused on the adoptive parents and asked them about the changes that took place with the adopted Tibetan orphans. From the information I gained from the interviews, I got to think deeper about the adoption: whether it is a good way to help those orphans by adopting them to modern cities. Along with my research on Tibetan adopted orphans in Wuhan, I was researching religious beliefs in modern China. In the second year of high school, I led a group of five people to create questionnaires, interview people, and analyze the results. We focused on different religious and moral beliefs of people at different ages and tried to emphasize the changes in moral belief in modern China brought by the social and economic development throughout the years.
After I got in Notre Dame and started my university life here, I became more involved in both academic exploration and social activities. I joined women's choir in Spring 2013, participated in SIBC's accounting projects for 2 consecutive semesters, and presented to Ernst & Young's Chicago officers in Fall 2013. In the Spring 2014, I worked as a Chinese tutor in CSLC, went to church services and volunteer in a local church on weekly basis, and participated in SIBC's projects and Enactus' activities. In the weekends, my friends and I always go to watch hockey games. Although the weather was really cold in the winter and it was not much better than the outside in the hockey game stadium, I felt warm when standing in the crowd of Notre Dame students and yelling loudly to cheer for our team. In the 3024 Spring Festival Gala, I participated as one of the female hosts and joined the big Chinese family here.
As it comes to my junior year here in Notre Dame, I begin to learn more and appreciate more that Notre Dame has given to me. I have been collecting information and getting deeper knowledge of the job market, of my major and its related career path, and of myself too. I declared a supplementary major in Philosophy and a minor in Studio Art to explore my "artist-side"; I fell in love with drawing the photography and set a goal of being a street photographer in the future; I joined the society of entrepreneurship and get involved in several entrepreneurship projects. Although the future is still unknown to me, I am getting a clearer sight of view and having more confidence in myself than ever before. I know that my experience in Notre Dame has already become such a important part of my life, and I expect to make more progresses in the rest of my time here.
徐可 武汉外语学校毕业生
Year of 2011
Full Scholarship Winners supported by the Provost Office, the Li Ka Shing Foundation, alumni, parents and friends

Huili CHEN Guiyang No. 6 High School
My name is Huili Chen. I am a senior at Notre Dame, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Psychology. I graduated from Guiyang No. 6 High School in Guizhou, China. During high school, I fundraised money to build a cement-made ping pong table and a reading room for a rural elementary school in my town.
In the past few years at Notre Dame, I have volunteered in multiple economically-unprivileged areas of the U.S. In summer 2012, I interned for the Notre Dame Global Gateway in Beijing. After the internship, four other Notre Dame students and I started a cultural memory program in my hometown. We cooperated with five students from Guizhou Normal University, attempting to preserve and promote Miao ethnic minority’s culture.
Since my sophomore year, I have been doing computer science research about biological networks at Notre Dame. As of now, I with a few other lab mates have finished two projects, which turned into a published poster and a paper under review, respectively. During my junior year, in addition to the computer science research, I started working in two psychology labs, one of which I am currently still in. In the second semester of my junior year, I went to study abroad at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland for a semester. I appreciated the school’s generosity to fund for my projects and provide me opportunities to study abroad, which were so eye-opening and inspiring.
陈荟莅 贵阳六中毕业生

Wisdom Ying Ying Mak St. Paul’s Secondary School, Hong Kong
I am Wisdom Ying Ying Mak from Hong Kong. I obtained my high school education from St. Paul’s Secondary School. Coming to Notre Dame in the fall of 2011 has encouraged me to continue to strive for academic excellence and commit to community services.
Currently a senior double majoring in Finance and Film, Television & Theatre, I have enjoyed a tremendous three and a half years at Notre Dame. The University has allowed me to grow into a more well-rounded and socially conscious individual and business professional. Spring semester of my junior year, I studied abroad in London, during which I interned in one of the world’s most prominent financial hubs and traveled around the continent. My time at Notre Dame has also allowed me to fulfill one of my life-long dreams: Interning with the Walt Disney Company at Walt Disney Imagineering, facilitating the financial planning and analysis of the Hong Kong and Shanghai portfolios.
I am glad to be able to continue to volunteer in my free time, serving primarily underprivileged children and their families through Appalachia Seminars and College Mentors for Kids, as well as communities back home in Hong Kong during school breaks. I will always cherish the fond memories of this place and carry with me the values Notre Dame has ingrained in me. Go Irish!
麦迎盈 香港圣保罗中学毕业生
作为财政学及电影学的大四学生,我在这里经历了三年半无与伦比的大学生活。学校逐渐把我培养成了一名全面发展且具社会意识的年轻人。在大三的第二学期,我有幸能到作为全球金融经济命脉的伦敦开展学术交流,并前往欧洲各国旅游开拓视野。 圣母大学成就了我多年的梦想——在去年暑假,我成为华特迪士尼公司的一份子,参与有关香港及上海园区的财务规划和分析工作。

Nuohan (Naurin) Zhang High School Affiliated to Renmin University
My name is Nuohan (Naurin) Zhang and I’m from Beijing. I am a senior studying Economics and French. After graduation, I plan to work in the international development field for a couple years and then go to a graduate school.
Thanks to the amazing opportunities Notre Dame has provided, I worked as a journalist assistant for the New York Times Paris Bureau in Summer 2014. Since early 2013, I have worked as a student researcher for the National Science Foundation funded research project on trader network in conflict zones. I am also a research assistant for several World Bank and United Nations projects. In Winter 2015, I conducted field research in India, with focuses on gender equality and economic prosperity. I speak English, Chinese, French, and Arabic.
At Notre Dame, I was also awarded several competitive and merit-based grants, including SLA, Nanovic, UROP, and special project funding from the Provost Office. Notre Dame provides me with an amazing education with endless opportunities. Most importantly, she helps me to stick firmly to the faith of “go forth and do good.”
张诺涵 人大附中毕业生
在圣母大学,我有幸获得了几个具有竞争性的奖学金资助,包括SLA, Nanovic, UROP和由教务长办公室颁发的项目资金。圣母大学给了我优质的教育和无数的机会。她无时无刻不在鼓舞着我勿忘初心,兼爱无私,为人类的发展尽绵薄之力。